4 August, 2014

Arduino Ethernet W5100

By Mauricio Hidalgo

Never been easier to connect one of our projects to the network, really the ease with which we can connect our Arduino projects to the network is very rewarding when working with this shield. Just enough to assemble the shield to a development card, either an Arduino Uno R3 or Arduino Mega 2560 and load the test program found in the Arduino development software.

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The module based ethernet chip W5100 has an RJ45 connector through which we connect to the network, you have the possibility of adding there to an SD card to upload files and share them as a file server, supports IEEE802.3af standard protecting overload and short circuit, high efficiency in DC / DC converter is built to support full duplex communication at a speed of 100Mb / s.

In the tests I’ve done this shield, check achieves the ability to support the configuration of HTML into the programming code of the module and its communication and response devices within a LAN. Among the projects that you can work with this shield is similar monitoring variables, from temperature sensors for example, and can be displayed on a mobile phone or other device or PC connected to the LAN where it is connected the W5100 module, can be configured as a web server, such as web client, web server monitoring barometric pressure, sending and receiving text strings UDP, set the time purchased over the Internet, among other projects.

Arduino Ethernet W5100

Soon we will have the detailed explanation of the project including monitoring variables and display on a mobile device.