19 February, 2015

Problems with the Arduino Nano and USB port?

By Mauricio Hidalgo

I recently bought a development board Arduino NANO, wanted to use for a project that needed a small size and Arduino NANO was the perfect candidate for the Arduino project.

By taking the card and connect it to my computer, I thought it would recognize immediately as another card Arduino, but I got the surprise that the device does not recognize by my computer, so I gave myself the task of updating the port USB driver, look everywhere, download countless programs and USB driver, but to no avail. Finally after almost four hours of failed attempts, check the integrated circuit that controls communication betwen PC and Arduino NANO.

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What differences I found on the Arduino Nano and USB port?

The Arduino NANO like other Arduino cards, have a chip which enables the USB connection, and if this is original, brings the reference FT232RL, but in some cases is a Chinese clone and if so, bring a chip whose reference is CH340G . By bringing a different chip, our Arduino software does not have the driver for that integrated circuit, which prevents be recognized and therefore it requires updating, browsing I found a Russian page where is the USB driver for this chip, so I leave the following LINK where you can download the USB driver for Windows. If your antivirus has this file as suspicious, do not worry it does not contain virus, install it without any problem, without virus and it has worked very well, I solved the problem immediately, it is an executable file.

This file has work me well, but I clarify that I am not the author of it and therefore the download and installation runs under your responsibility.

When you download the file comes in a compressed file, so you have to unzip and install it, once you’ve installed, I recommend that you restart your PC and if everything was left properly installed, connect your device Arduino NANO and will be recognized immediately.

Soon I’ll be doing some projects with the Arduino NANO they can surely interest to you, so I invite you to continue visiting my page and subscribe to my youtube channel where I am uploading video continuously from different arduino projects.

Until next.