7 September, 2014

small Robot rides hoverbike

By Mauricio Hidalgo

A plastic Robot,  printed in a 3D printer, with a camera on his head, shoots his ride on hoverbike flying over fields of grains in England.

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But, why a robot riding a hoverbike?

An image that is common to see in science fiction movies, is now a test of 1.2 meters wide, which is the third part of the real prototype of an HoverBike designed for humans. Malloy Aeronautics realize this prototype raising funds through a Kickstarter campaign, which ended on 31 August of this year.

Malloy Aeronautics promised as reward for Kickstarter donors, that they can purchase this scale version of the HoverBike for less than USD$ 1000.

It is a model that combines four rotors, according to its designers may be used in the sky the same way that we are used today a motorcycle over avenues.

The goal to raise funds through Kickstarter was USD $ 50,000 and got the wonderful sum of a little more than USD $ 100,000, which will give them the opportunity to finish the actual prototype and do the necessary tests to launch.

The following is the video where the scale model is shown with the robot as a test pilot and where designers show their progress of real  model for humans.

You can also see the campaign was conducted to raise funds on the following LINK.

A very promising technology and the best style of science fiction films .

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