19 August, 2014

The energy saver piggy

By Mauricio Hidalgo

The saver piggyThe Power Hogy” although this ingenious design was presented at the “Geener Gadgets 2009” held in New York, so far we have not seen the first prototypes.

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Really save energy?

It is a quite innovative gadget with an educational design, Eco Friendly, because you’re looking to make children adopt the culture of energy saving through a little pig-piggy bank, in which coins are added every time the kids want to use the TV, console video games, a mini component or something similar that is connected to the little pig’s snout and have the ability to use it for 30 minutes, after which the little pig flashing warning that you need to insert another coin. For now, the design shows an electrical outlet on the nose and tail is the cable that plugs into the wall outlet.

It is important to raise awareness among the younger generation about the importance of saving energy and such artful designs are a great addition to care for our planet.

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