26 August, 2014

Toshiba and Panasonic grow vegetables

By Mauricio Hidalgo

Who would believe that the biggest technology developers like Panasonic, Toshiba, Fujitsu, among others, would be devoted to the business of the vegetables. Well it’s totally true, these big companies are adapting old production facilities and are becoming in a fully automated greenhouses, there are controlled all variables of temperature and humidity necessary for a lettuce crop will be very healthy and of good quality.

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And why now Toshiba and Panasonic will be devote to the business of vegetables?

Really these companies are not going to devote to selling vegetables, because what they realy want is to enter in the  market niche of crops, they want to offset the decline in demand for consumer electronics and help farmers that their crops will be better and have better control over them.

Lechuga Panasonic

Among the developments said that Toshiba is currently suited an old floppy plant to cultivate there, Panasonic is already cultivating radishes and lettuce in a factory in Singapore, and Sharp is conducting tests to cultivate strawberries indoors in Dubai.

Of course you can imagine the deployment of sensors and control technology for these crops, and a good time as it is a breakthrough to reverse climate change that considerably affects farmers, totally ecofriendly, in addition the deployment of technology in agriculture is being promoted by the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to improve agricultural production and exports from Japan.

Verduras Toshiba

Definitely technological advances never cease to amaze.

Via: ultimasnoticias