17 August, 2014

Wooden slats made from Newspapers

By Mauricio Hidalgo

 You’ve imagined doing something productive with recycling ?, or suddenly happened to you reuse something you undone ?, As a Dutch designer named Mieke Meijer has decided to reuse the role of newspapers to convert wood slats, this is as the newsprint back to its original form in a creative way.

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periodico madera

“NewspaperWood” is the name she has given to this material, according to the designer has to be able to turn back the newspapers in wood, the pocess are stacked the newspaper and add a special glue, let it dry and then is cut to mimic the woodgrain. The material has been so successful that now Peugeot has designed a conceptCar where use this material in its interior.

Peugeot Onyx

Peugeot Onyx

In this link you can find much more information, photographs and a video of Peugeot Onix.

I leave some images of concepts and practices that have given this ingenious material that actually contributes to the environment and most likely avoid the felling of many trees.

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