31 August, 2014

Google testing drones to deliver items

By Mauricio Hidalgo

The fashion of the “drones” grows day after day, there are many tests that are being advanced worldwide in the field of unmanned vehicles for different purposes and applications, lately we have heard rumors to use drones for distribution of merchandise or objects, as in the case of Amazon, some time ago started a rumor to use drones for the delivery of items sold through its online store, and now Google has published some pictures and some videos of the tests that are being conducted in Australia and Namibia, many people are asking why tests are not performed in the United States, it is for the restrictions that have the United States on the airspace use.

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These drones will not be used to sell and deliver products sold by google

Google does not intend to use these vehicles to sell anything or delivery of products sold by them, the tests are performed in order to transport some items to the most remote areas where traditional transport does not reach easily, are experimenting with delivery of water and dog food packages first.

The unmanned vehicle structure is built on light fiber and the scientists have the ability to rise between 40 and 60 meters over different obstacles around.

The following is one of the videos show by Google and its testing on a farm 160km from Brisbane:

Google is betting on this project to deliver survival items such as batteries, food, water, among other things, to assist in natural disaster and remote areas, the packets can not weigh more than 1.5kg and the drone lands vertically, allowing deliver packages on any terrain .

If you want to know more about project, you can check the following LINK  on Mashable.

Definitely Google surprises us every day with something innovative.

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