26 August, 2014

Would you travel in a submarine 5.800Km per hour?

By Mauricio Hidalgo

According to scientists at the Harbin Institute of Technology, after much research they have mastered the technology of Supercavitating, this technology is based on creating a bubble of air around the underwater vehicle to avoid water friction.

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The technology promises acording to the scientists get to travel in a submarine 5.800Km per hour, but there is still several hurdles in the development of this technology, because at the moment you can not use rudders to control the direction of the vehicle and could only travel in straight line.

cavitacion 2

 How long would to travel in a submarine to 5800km per hour ?

Perfecting this technology could travel from Shanghai to the west coast of the United States in just an hour and a half, which is something really special, but do not see yet , The scientists are testing with unmanned vehicles.

Supercavitating technology is not new, as the Soviet Union began to study and put into practice in the torpedoes during the Cold War and managed to take them to a speed of 370km per hour.

We need to wait starting manned testing, but this is really a big breakthrough for underwater vehicles.

Via: telam.com.ar