28 August, 2014

Your autographed ball is authentic?, check it with a chip…

By Mauricio Hidalgo

Technology is everywhere and after the World Cup Brazil 2014, where we saw the technology used in soccer balls, now we will see in the football balls. Although they have not the same use that on the balls of the world cup Brazil 2014, chips are implemented in these football to offer to fans complete authentication, offer the posibility to verify that the ball they are buying is authentic and also can check the history of the ball from manufacturing.

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Who created this technology called gametag?

The association was made between the recognized manufactures footballs “Big Game” and the company “Prova Group,” who provide a platform to help collectors and customers in general buy authentic products and guarantee in addition to mitigating the increase of counterfeit today.

The chip is inserted into each ball, records all history from its manufacture, so you can check the college game in which it was used, and the authenticity of it. According to records the page of “Big Game”, the balls used in college games throughout the country will be returned to them for sale to fans and collectors, and they can acquire and track their history through a mobile application that connects to the platform “Prova Group” and so will verify its authenticity and history.

With this technology, fans will have an original ball and with the guarantee that the same ball was used in one of the games of their favorite team, it is now possible to buy something really authentic without fear of counterfeits.

Texas A&M will be the first to use balls with GameTag in its August 28 game against South Carolina. The Navy football team will use the technology in its opening game against Ohio State on Saturday, August 30. 

Among the teams that will use this technology in its games include:

Texas A&M, Navy, Mississippi State y Nebraska

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If you want more information you can find it at the following link:
